Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Search for the life

As the train takes me through the darkness
My eyes search for the light,
To find in the thickets
If somewhere the life survives.
Rattling of wheels on tracks,
Keeps me mused and awake
Against the envelope of sleep
Embraced over the stretches of darkness.
Blindfolded on my open eyes
My ears make me see now;
Bridges, tunnels, plains…
All I hear, and in my mind I see.
But where is the life?
That, I can’t see.
I search for the light
To find in the thickets
If somewhere the life survives.
In sky is embellished,
Stars and the pearly moon.
And the rest is swallowed
In the endless depths of darkness
Through which I am moving
And in them my eyes keep looking
For if I can find light.
Who knows…
Somewhere out there the life still survives.

Image Courtesy: Google Images Search

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cups of Coffee...

Through the spectacle of memories, I see a valley trenched with sweet and sour bygone days.
As if I never knew, how soon all those moments flee.
Happiness and sorrow, we shared them over cups of coffee.
Yours had sugar, and mine didn’t.
You hastened, while I went slower.
Frothed with cream of love, your slurps I remember.
And through them, my stories you would hear.
Saturday evenings were when we would meet and stare at each other endlessly.
My wait for the coming saturday seems to never end.
Just two days more, and we will meet again, we will share happiness and our sorrow again.
I want you to know, but I am afraid.
My endless stories over the cups of coffee, no one would have heard but you.
Yours, frothed with cream and sprinkled with sugar on heart, resolved sweetness in mine.
I owe my sweetness to you.
I wait for the Saturday evening, for our cups of coffee and for you…

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Leaflets

Innocence in stipules,
The novelty in its shade
Pigmented in green
Lustrous in rays from Sun,
Waves in the air
Flimsy and translucent leaflets.
Born from the old stem
Brown and rigid,
Textured with experiences
It gained in a long time.

Leaflets breeze joy,
Pacify the previous pain
Sprinkling the newness in air
Freshening the surrounding
With ambiance of liveliness,
Like notes from sitar
Played in an early morning,
Solacing our mind
Healing the anguish
Descending into our ruptured soul.

Who cares, who plucked the leaf
Who pinned the giant in pain,
New leaflets must come
And breathe in life again.
The nature and its laws
Leaflets acquaint well.
Life has to move on,
With the newness, each new day
And prosper towards future
Till the pigment stays green.