Friday, February 14, 2014

Fix your blog: Wrong Image and Description on sharing URL

I had been facing this problem for quite long. I kept overlooking. Lately, I got determined to resolve this issue. What the problem lies is, sharing URL of my blog posts on social media websites used to fetch wrong description and image. Many times, the image fetched used to be my profile picture on my website. I wanted the image fetched should be from the blog post that I was sharing. Or, in case the blog post has no image, then a default image should be there which would be fetched on sharing the URL. This is exactly what I have done. Despite of your website platform, this method works. I am sharing here the necessary code snippet. You need to copy (click on view raw and then copy) the code below, and paste on your page before </head> tag.

In the code above, just edit ‘Your-default-image-url’ and paste the URL of the default image that you would like to get fetched if your blog post doesn’t contain any image. If the blog post has images, then the URL when shared, will pick up the first image from the post.

If you find this article helpful, do share the link. If you have any queries, then leave a comment and I will reply to you. 'Like' my Facebook page and stay connected to the trending topics here. :)


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