Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courage. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Phoning Myself...

Hovering scorns have to be kept aside
With a gush of jolt, 
Determination we must abide.
We have wished to see the unseen,
We can't look back now,
It won’t show the path we mean.
The flow can’t bowel us in his swirls,
We have the courage now,
To pamper the force in its watery grills.

Let our goal caress us on every side,
Let’s wake up now,
And get prepared for the ride,
Our pack exists being the best lets think
And move on to face the powerful tide.
How high it will go, surely we don’t know,
But keep up the will that we have to glow,
We have to show.

Let’s bring back some smiles
From few distant miles;
Let’s set ourselves to bring back the glory,
Let’s join hands to recreate the theory.
We can do very well,
No matter of what others say
And where they excel.

We will bring back,
The treasured and hidden ones
Somewhere from a distant rack,
And that’s our new glory,
We will redefine it
And knit a new glittful story...

[I scribbled this poem long ago when I was about to enter into my college life. I have shared it now, after one and a half year later of my joining in college.]