Friday, October 7, 2011

My Childhood Shelf...

The floor is now squeaky,
Walls bleached out,
And have turned dingy.
Scribbled with my name,
Stairs look the same.
Frames have gone empty,
Paintings lost their colours,
And Look no more dainty.

I wonder that I still remember,
The key to my room’s lock,
Still tough & as hard as rock.
My room where I lived,
My gloom that outlived,
And I am back here,
With my eyes wet,
Riding my childhood gear.

Fifteen years have fleeted,
The old calendar recited,
Still frozen by icy February,
Reminding my last birthday fiesta,
My elder sister’s kisses,
And her piggy bank in magenta.
It was hers, but she gifted me,
Bought me smiles & never offended me.

She had made a shelf, by herself,
Carefully she preserved my toys,
Rail car with siren & a woody baron,
Goose with honk & a meditating monk.
The shelf still carries them all,
Tucked with her love,
Memories of everyday ball,
She was more than a sister,
A parent, a guide & a story-teller.

The shelf is still strong,
Emotions and memories long,
Which are still sound and profound.
If I could live them again,
I would replenish the moments,
Broom away the gloom,
Retouch those missed efforts,
Enjoying my flowers bloom.
  Images Courtesy: - Google Images Search
Copyrights  - ANSHUL GAUTAM

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  1. treasure them, they are the ones that helps you move ahead in life, gauging your way towards your goal.

  2. Fabulous yaar...each and every word shouts out the grief of loosing the childhood here it seems we have stucked into a virtual life far away form the joy of childhood dawn to dusk working out for others happiness and carrying the sweet memories of our own childhood....which has lost somewhere and never-ever going to return..:(

  3. Very nicely written Anshul like a true professional. You have poured our heart out it seems. These memories are very precious. Treasure them :)

  4. love it.. :) let us together cherish all those childhood dreams :)

    Weakest Link

  5. Beautiful poem and it speaks volume of the most cherished stage of life...

  6. I love this trip back down memory lane. Lines and verse beautifully welded.

  7. happiest dayzzz of life!!!:)

  8. Great poem :)

  9. good composition.
