Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Leaflets

Innocence in stipules,
The novelty in its shade
Pigmented in green
Lustrous in rays from Sun,
Waves in the air
Flimsy and translucent leaflets.
Born from the old stem
Brown and rigid,
Textured with experiences
It gained in a long time.

Leaflets breeze joy,
Pacify the previous pain
Sprinkling the newness in air
Freshening the surrounding
With ambiance of liveliness,
Like notes from sitar
Played in an early morning,
Solacing our mind
Healing the anguish
Descending into our ruptured soul.

Who cares, who plucked the leaf
Who pinned the giant in pain,
New leaflets must come
And breathe in life again.
The nature and its laws
Leaflets acquaint well.
Life has to move on,
With the newness, each new day
And prosper towards future
Till the pigment stays green.

Location: Patna, Bihar, India


  1. Lustrous, flimsy , translucent. I don't understand whether you chose these words to describe the image or you chose the image to describe these words. Seems like the lines and the image of the leaf are just made for each other.
    Kudos for your photography and very beautiful and meaningful lines.. :)

  2. Thanks Namrata for your appreciation. It means a lot to me. :)

  3. Love it and I guess we have the same underlying thought for our poems this time. These lines are so beautiful,

    "Who cares, who plucked the leaf
    Who pinned the giant in pain,
    New leaflets must come
    And breathe in life again."

  4. Yes. May be we thought the same way for our compositions this time. :D
    Thank you for your appreciation Saru di. :)

  5. i really don't know why did i read it today,for it should have come earlier to cherish my love for the world around me..
    great writing bro....keep going strong and keep going afresh!
