On an ivory shade with some brown threaded marks; masked is my body meek and weak, popped out into two bright wing arcs.
And on my wings azure, lie mustered shapes and some tiny little dots; some lucid little hills and some round yellowish sprouts.
I never knew how I looked and what amativeness I had, until you came into my life with my image in your blue eyes clad.
I surmise my colors are no more blazoned; I haven’t seen myself since you had left, my charm left too with my mirror embossed on your eyes pinioned.
Now in the silence of my solitariness few chirruping I hear; what do they say, I can’t make out its meaning neither you can hear it clear.
On dry tongue of mine your sweetness is still alive; a flavor not to forget from our nibbling kisses; the scent of your embrace around my life.
How we lived together is a distant memory dainty; my hold on you and yours on mine; exchange of our gestures in doziness of wine.
Nowhere to live I have now but in memories of you, and in all those moments where we were together-a colored me & a colored you.
Lie they say that the most beautiful I am, nature’s worthy gift & spring’s charm I am; Truth I say that without you a dead musk I am, a bleached spot with no shine I am.
And before I die, a glimpse of yours I need; my last breath shall be the aroma of my love, of my lovely butterfly.